Alpine Americas is a mountaineer's tour of the 10,000 mile range of peaks from the Arctic to Patagonia. The book combines stunning mountain photography with elegant text that explores the places from all perspectives -- geologic, historical, philosophical -- as it takes readers up the cold wind-swept ridges of Denali or down into the caldron of a smoking Mexican volcano.
Each mountain grouping is a different chapter. Each chapter focuses on a single element of what the place means to us. Brooks range in the Arctic, it's all about tranquility and the reassurance of seasonal patterns. Way to the South, in Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego, it's the chaos and conflict of the natural elements -- angry winds and big weather -- as the jagged landscape thrusts upward from the cold salt sea.
Don Mellor's inspirational words and Olaf Sööt's magical photographs, Alpine Americas is the celebration of the western world's majestic high places.
My thoughts:
Wow! This is really an impressive book! First of all the generous size (14 x 12 x 1) and beautiful cover make for a perfect coffee table book and conversation starter. But once you open it up you won't want to close it. The pictures are absolutely breathtaking, and that's an understatement! You literally can't look at just one.
When Alpine Americas arrived, my husband snatched it up and poured over every page. We were all looking over his shoulder, oo-ing and ah-ing at each one. This would be a wonderful gift for anyone, even non-readers. I love to read and my husband loves not to read. We both are completely captivated by this book!
The stunning scenery draws you in and once you dare to pull your eyes away you'll be even more blessed by the words. You'll get a personal tour and inside scoop on these fascinating places.
If you're having a rough day you can open up this book and take a mini-vacation and feel so much lighter as you let yourself be drawn into its grandeur.
I have heard of this book, and it's one that I've wanted to read because I love photography books.