Sticky Note

I'm on a blogging break, but will be checking in from time to time. Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Fall Into Reading 2008 Wrap Up

It's time to wrap up the Fall Into Reading Challenge over at Callapidder Days! This was my first time to join in so I kept my list small, but even so I didn't get all of them read. Some of these on the list were books I was reading for review but I wanted to add some others so that I wouldn't just put them off.

Here's my list. The links go to my reviews.

Sweet Caroline by Rachel Hauck
Love Starts With Elle by Rachel Hauck
Home Another Way by Christa Parrish
One Drop of Blood by Thomas Holland
The Shack by William P. Young
Time of My Life by Allison Winn Scotch
The Spanish Bow by Andromeda Romano-Lax
Forsaken by James David Jordan

S.O.S. For PMS by Mary M. Byers (review posted on my other blog)
Having a Mary Spirit by Joanna Weaver

Did you finish reading all the books on your fall reading list? If not, why not?
No, I started Spanish Bow a few days ago but haven't finished it yet. I didn't start One Drop of Blood (I won this in a giveaway and am still looking forward to reading it) or Having a Mary Spirit (the tour for this got moved to January so I pushed it back on my list a little).

Did you stick to your original goals or did you change your list as you went along?
I changed my list a little. I took off a couple of books and added a couple more.

What was your favorite book that you read this fall? Least favorite? Why?
I read a lot more books this fall than are on my list. So just from this list, I really enjoyed The Shack, but I also liked the Rachel Hauck books too. You can read my reviews to find out why I liked them!

Did you learn something new because of the Fall Into Reading challenge — something about reading, or yourself, or a topic you read about?
I learned that I need to do my list differently next year. I'll still have to think on it but maybe next time I'll only put on books that were not sent to me for review...or maybe I'll put "all" the books I'm sent for review plus the extras I want to read as well. Not sure what I'll do yet.

What was your favorite thing about the Fall Into Reading challenge?
I enjoyed visiting other blogs to see what they read and what they thought of their books.

Would you like to participate in another challenge here this spring?

Go on over to Callapider Days to see how Fall Into Reading went for other bloggers!


  1. Congratulations on what you accomplished during the challenge! Interesting list!

  2. Great job! I really like Rachel Hauck's books as well.
