It is August 1944 and the Gestapo is mercilessly rounding up suspected enemies of the Third Reich. When Joseph Engel, a German physicist working on the atomic bomb, finds that he is actually a Jew, adopted by Christian parents, he must flee for his life to neutral Switzerland. Gabi Mueller is a young Swiss-American woman working for the newly formed American Office of Strategic Services (the forerunner to the CIA) close to Nazi Germany. When she is asked to risk her life to safely "courier" Engel out of Germany, the fate of the world rests in her hands. If she can lead him to safety, she can keep the Germans from developing nuclear capabilities. But in a time of traitors and uncertainty, whom can she trust along the way? This fast-paced, suspenseful novel takes readers along treacherous twists and turns during a fascinating--and deadly--time in history.
My thoughts:
Prepare to be transported back in time and ripped from your cozy, secure life to a place of war and uncertainty. Swiss Courier will pull you in and open your eyes to the cruel reality of life during Hitler’s reign in Nazi Germany. But it won’t leave you hopeless. Experience the selfless heroism of ordinary people who stand up and risk their lives trying to make a difference in the war. It is full of suspense, loyalties, and betrayal.
To be fair, during the first part of the book I thought that the history seemed somewhat forced into the story. The facts were interesting, but distracting the way they were presented.
By the second half of the book, though, I was thrown into the story and wondering how the characters were going to get out of each situation and hoping their missions succeeded despite unimaginable kinks thrown their way. Loved the ending! But I’m not going to spoil it for you.
Thank you, Litfuse, for providing a copy of Swiss Courier for me to review!
About the authors:

Tricia Goyer is the author of several books, including Night Song and Dawn of a Thousand Nights, both past winners of the ACFW's Book of the Year Award for Long Historical Romance. Goyer lives with her family in Montana. To find out more visit her website: www.triciagoyer.com

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